Project Client Dashboard

Machine-World platform provides a powerful front-end dashboard for clients to log in . Every action that a client needs to take can be accessed through the dashboard, keeping everything simple, secure and accessible.

In this article we’ll run through the basics of the Client Dashboard, and link off to other articles to explain features in more detail.

1. The Action Bar

The action bar features links for management of the client account, which we’ll go through here.

Notifications: The notifications system alerts clients to any actions that have been taken on client account. It shows events such as tasks being updated, invoices being sent and tickets being updated. 

Messaging System: The messaging system allows clients to engage in conversations with admins & team members in single conversations or groups.

Profile Edit: Clicking the sliders icon allows the client to update  personal and contact details.

Client Files: The file icon allow the client to view files that have been uploaded to client account and shared with client.

Client Contacts: The contacts icon allows the client to add / remove and manage extra logins to client dashboard for other users at client organisation.

2. The Main Menu

The main menu in the client dashboard has links to current and past elements such as Projects and Quotes. It also features a widget area underneath the menu links. 

3. The Alerts Bar

The alerts bar shows client alerts.

4. The Updates Area

The landing page of the dashboard has been designed to give an at-a-glance view of everything that the client currently has to action. It shows –

  • Outstanding Invoices (Unpaid)
  • Open Quotes that require acceptance
  • Open Projects with links to the project and the project contract
  • A Project timeline featuring all updates that have been made in all open projects.
  • Open Support Tickets that require a reply.

The Project client dashboard allows client to view at-a-glance information and editing capabilities for active projects. The section is split over 7 tabs to separate and simplify each element of the project.

To enter a project, either click on the link to the project in the “Open Projects” box on the dashboard landing page, or enter through the main menu in the sidebar.

Upon entering a project, there will be a new menu in the sidebar with seven new menu items.



1. Project Information

The Project Information tab provides a facility to add free text project information.


2. View Contract

The View Contract tab allows the client to review and e-sign their online project contract.


3. Updates and Progress

The updates and progress tab gives the client a visual representation of where their project currently stands and what (if any) actions need to be taken by themselves. It includes information on open tasks, percentage complete and the deadline, as well as a Status table which gives client information on which parts of the project have been completed. It also provides a project timeline showing all updates made by client and all team members working on project.

4. Milestones and Tasks

The milestones and tasks tab gives the client a table of all milestones, tasks and subtasks within the project, with links through to each task. It shows client the title of tasks, the milestone that client is attached to, the deadline and the status / completion percentage of each task.

Task Details – General task information including deadline, assignee etc
Task Time – Time entries logged against the task by team members
Task Files – Files uploaded by the client and all team members
Task Messages – Messages added by both the client and all team members

The client is also able to add files to the task and publish new messages.

5. Project Messages

Project messages allow the client and team members to communicate outside of project tasks for more general project discussion.

6. Project Files

The project files tab gives the client an interface from which to upload project files and view all files currently uploaded to the project. Project files are not uploaded directly to the project, but instead are uploaded within the project tasks. This makes the uploaded files specific to that task and makes for easier understanding of what the file refers to. Once a file has been added to a project task, it will be visible in the Project Files page on the client dashboard, with a link to the task that it has been uploaded to.

7. Costs & Invoices

The costs and invoices tab shows the client a table of where their project is financially. It includes quoted milestone costs and finished costs so that the client can see if the project is under or over budget as it runs through. It also shows a list of invoices attached to the project, and their current status.

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